BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020
S. Servais MD, PhD, F. Baron MD, PhD, C. Lechanteur PhD, E. Baudoux MD, A. Briquet PhD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, X. Poiré MD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, C. Graux MD, PhD, A. De Becker MD, R. Schots MD, PhD, P. Zachée MD, PhD, A. Ory , J. Herman , T. Kerre MD, PhD, Y. Beguin MD, PhD
BJH - volume 10, issue 4, june 2019
B. Calcoen MD, S. van Hecke MD, K. Lagrou MD, PhD, PharmD, J. Maertens MD, PhD
Letermovir (AIC246, MK-8228) is a novel anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) agent that inhibits CMV replication by targeting the viral terminase complex. In December 2017, letermovir was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prophylaxis of CMV infection and disease in adult CMV-seropositive recipients of an allogenic haematological stem cell transplantation. Letermovir shows a favourable pharmacokinetic profile in haematological stem cell transplantation recipients after oral administration. The recommended dose for CMV-prophylaxis is once daily 480 mg (oral or intravenous). Letermovir demonstrated superiority in a placebo (plus polymerase chain reaction-monitoring and pre-emptive therapy)-controlled phase III randomised clinical trial. Letermovir is an inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 (CYP)3A family, CYP2B8 and an inducer of the CYP2C9/19. Dose-adjustments (240 mg/day) are necessary when letermovir is combined with cyclosporine. Combinations of letermovir with either voriconazole, midazolam and rosiglitazone require close monitoring of the plasma levels of the latter agents. Letermovir-resistant CMV mutants share mutations that are mostly located between the codon range 230–370 of the UL56 gene. Letermovir is not nephrotoxic nor myelotoxic, but slightly higher rates of atrial fibrillation and tachycardia have been described. In conclusion, letermovir is the first FDA approved anti-CMV agent for prophylaxis in haematological stem cell transplantation patients.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2019;10(4):136–45)
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A. De Becker MD, R. Schots MD, PhD, T. Kerre MD, PhD, D. Mazure , J. Maertens MD, PhD, E. Baudoux , C. Lechanteur , Y. Beguin MD, PhD
BJH - volume 9, issue 3, june 2018
Y. Serroukh MD, PhD, H. Claerhout MD, A. Janssens MD, PhD, T. Tousseyn MD, PhD, N. Boeckx MD, PhD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, T. Devos MD, PhD
Aplastic anaemia is a rare condition characterised by pancytopenia and bone marrow hypocellularity and caused by the immune-mediated destruction of the haematopoietic precursors. The early complications are related to cytopaenias with infections being the major cause of morbi-mortality. The main long-term issue is clonal evolution to myelodysplastic syndrome or acute leukaemia. The diagnosis relies on exclusion of other causes of pancytopenia and characteristic pathologic findings. Severity is stratified according to peripheral blood counts. Nowadays, the survival of treated patients reaches 80–90%. The treatment of the severe form of aplastic anaemia consists on haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in eligible patients and immunosuppressive therapy in non-transplant candidates. Supportive therapy is an option in frail and/or elderly patients. Here, we define and briefly review the pathogenesis of aplastic anaemia. We propose a diagnostic and therapeutic strategy based on existing literature and experts’ recommendations. We finally report three cases illustrating particular clinical associations with pregnancy, hepatitis and paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2018;9(3):76–85)
Read moreBJH - 2018, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2018
J. Van Ham , M. Delforge MD, PhD, A. Janssens MD, PhD, J. Raddoux , M. Beckers MD, PhD, T. Devos MD, PhD, D. Dierickx MD, PhD, V. Vergote MD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, H. Schoemans MD, PhD, P. Vandenberghe MD, PhD
BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
S. Servais MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, L. Lechanteur , E. Baudoux MD, P. Zachée MD, PhD, H. Schouten , L. Noens MD, PhD, P. Lewalle MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, A. Ory , Y. Beguin MD, PhD
BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
H. Schoemans MD, PhD, K. Goris , R. Van Durm , J. Vanhoof , D. Wolff , H. Greinix , S. Pavletic , S. Lee , J. Maertens MD, PhD, S. De Geest , F. Dobbels , R. Duarte